Quality assurance and TVET report

The Viet Nam Vocational Training Strategy 2011-2020 defines quality assurance and management as one of the key solutions towards a stronger technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system.

Since the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) became the sole state management authority for the TVET sector in 2017, the legal framework on TVET quality assurance and accreditation was strengthened and a stronger quality culture among TVET institutes promoted. These new developments result from deliberate efforts from both TVET state management authorities and TVET institutes to gain credible recognition for TVET quality and promote greater accountability in the context of expanding TVET autonomy and growing competition among TVET providers. They also signal a mounting interest and stronger focus on quality in the TVET sector.


The Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam provides support to TVET institutes and the Viet Nam Vocational Education and Training Accreditation Agency (VETA) to strengthen the performance of the Vietnamese TVET quality assurance system. Its technical advisory is targeted at i) improving both internal and external quality assurance, ii) the harmonization between internal and external quality assurance, and iii) monitoring and evaluation of the national TVET quality assurance system.

At the TVET institutes’ level, the Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam provides technical advice and develops the capacities of staff for the establishment and operation of internal quality assurance systems. Specific quality assurance processes and tools are developed and transferred to TVET practitioners. At the same time, data and evidence are gathered to provide lessons learnt for the policy-making level.

At the state management level, the Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam contributes to the development of quality assurance policies on both quality assurance and quality accreditation. It provides VETA with technical resources to develop quality assurance capacities of VET teachers and managers. Technical inputs were given in the development of accreditation regulations and their implementation.

As the product of a trilateral cooperation between the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), the Vietnamese the National Institute of Vocational Education and Training (NIVT) and the Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam, the annual Viet Nam TVET Report serves as an exercise and a tool to enhance the monitoring of the TVET system. It provides decision-makers with data, statistics and evidence to inform the policy-making process and thus contributes to enhancing quality and the overall performance of the TVET sector.


Positive developments that result from joint efforts between the Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam and its local partners in the area of quality assurance and sector monitoring include:

The annual Viet Nam TVET Report

is nominated as a best practice in the ASEAN TVET community. The annual reports have been published and made accessible to wide audiences since 2011.

The continued cooperation between BiBB and NIVT

results in consistent capacity development for Vietnamese TVET researchers, and various joint research missions to enhance evidence-based policymaking in general and the development of the Viet Nam TVET strategy 2021-2030 in particular

Quality assurance tools

were developed and transferred to TVET institutes e.g. enterprise surveys, tracer studies and workshop management tools

Accreditation standards and criteria

that embrace and reinforce the involvement of the business sector in TVET are developed

Capacity development measures

were provided to core quality assurance officials in cooperation with the Regional cooperation programme to improve the quality and labour market orientation of TVET (RECOTVET) in the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Capacity development for TVET accreditors

whose work is essential to the accreditation system, especially since the establishment of the first independent TVET accreditation agencies in 2019.