Training Course for Examiners at LILAMA 2 International Technology College

Developing occupational standards and training programmes as well as conducting pilot cooperative training in Construction Mechanics, Industrial Electronics, Metal Cutting-CNC and Mechatronics and Sewage Engineering, that are equivalent to the German training ordinance, is only the first step to achieve a need-oriented training delivery based on the German standard at LILAMA 2 International Technology College (LILAMA 2) and Ho Chi Minh College of Technology II (HVCT). In order to achieve demand-oriented training offers for the 5 piloted occupations at LILAMA 2 and HVCT that follow the German standard, the examination and assessment of trainees needs to follow German examination standard.

In order to provide LILAMA 2 and HVCT teaching staff and experienced technicians from partner companies with the necessary contents and knowledge, a Training Course for Examiners with a well-experienced German expert from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) Upper Bavaria/Munich took place at LILAMA 2 from 26 to 30 October 2017. A total of 20 teaching staff and 6 experienced In-Company Trainers from partner companies took part in the Training Course.

The potential future examiners have gained an overview of fundamental preparatory steps and the use of pre-selected instruments for upcoming final examinations (Part 1). The participants learned about the fundamental principles of examinations in Germany: the examination against the Occupational Standard, the examination together with companies and examining the trainees’ process competence through a work order in the company context. This ensures that demand and practice-oriented training is offered that is in fact recognised by companies.

In addition, the examination methods, technics and criteria have been acquired by the participants and first experiences in preparing and implementing technical discussions have been practiced. Now, the participants know, in principle, the set-up and structure of the final examination (Part 1) and the interplay of the TVET institute and participating companies in examinations following Cooperative Training. Through the joint Training Course the cooperation between experienced technicians from the partner companies and the TVET institutes’ teaching staff is further strengthened.

The training was held within the fields of activity “Support of Centres of Excellence (CoEs)” and “TVET for Skilled Workforce in the Wastewater Sector” as parts of the Vietnamese-German Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam.  The programme is implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.


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