Autonomy needs management

TVET-institutes in Vietnam are facing many managerial challenges on their way to high quality, excellence and autonomy. Therefore, professional management of TVET-institutes becomes more and more important.

20 Heads of Department, Deans of Faculty and Vice-Rectors from LILAMA 2 International Technology College (LILAMA 2) strengthened their knowledge and skills by joining the training in “School Management” (16 – 21 October). Relevant topics such as Organisation and Leadership, Financing and Third Party Revenues as well as Human Resources and Cooperation with the Business Sector were discussed.

As Head of the bbw University of Applied Sciences in Berlin, Prof. Hafer conducted the training according to German best practices. Based on short content related inputs, the participants actively transferred the training topics into case studies from their daily work.

The training was held within the field of activity “Support of Centres of Excellence (CoEs)” as part of the Vietnamese-German Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam. The programme is implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.


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